As he sat there and thought about his family, tears came to
his eyes. Watching them being slaughtered in his own living room was the most
gruesome and yet most paralyzing event that his eyes had ever been a witness
to. He was the only one in his family that was left alive…if that’s what you
want to call it. Making funeral arrangements for his younger brothers and
sisters was something that he never thought that he would have to do. But this
is war. Everything was different now. The playground in which his younger
siblings used to play in was now an unmarked grave for those who got lost
somewhere in the crossfire. The market that his mother used to shop at everyday
was now deserted and riddled with bullet holes. As he walked around his home
town, he could almost hear his friends talking to him. He could almost smell the
smoke that came out of his father’s pipe. He could almost see things the way
that they used to be. But then he realizes that things can’t go back to the way
they were. Even if the war ended, that wouldn't bring back his mother’s smile
or the sound of his sister’s voice. But all that everyone else knows is that
there is some kind of dispute going on in the Middle East. We hear about
snipers and the military but we don’t hear the cries of orphans. We watch
videos of bombing attacks and learn about the newest technology that could kill
everything in a five mile radius, but we don’t see the bloodshed of the
innocent. As the shelters fill up, it seems as though more bombing takes place
and more people are killed that had nothing to do with the war. Maybe we should
focus on trying to rebuild the lives that we have shattered instead of
destroying more lives. We hear about all the soldiers that we lose in a war but
they get a proper burial and we don’t pay any attention to the four year old who
is starving to death on a dirt road in Syria because he lost his parents when
his city was attacked. War has always been a part of history and the innocent
are always the ones who suffer the most. But the worst part is that when the
war ends, they are left to clean up a mess that others created.
You are right--we are so removed from what's really going on...we hear news stories in passing but are not really affected. I can't imagine this violent and conflicted life being my day to day reality. For it to be my little boy's would break my heart.