Thursday, April 2, 2015

Music Questions

I think that I gravitate towards certain kinds of music because music has the ability to either change my mood, or amplify my mood. Sometimes when I’m upset, I find that listening to sad music always makes me feel worse even though I try to justify it by telling myself that relating to the lyrics in the song will help me feel better. I know that changing the kind of music that I listen to when I’m sad always helps me feel better eventually but in the beginning, it always seems annoying to me although I know that after a while, everything will be a lot better. I think I dislike certain types of music because they seem discriminatory or they sing about things that don’t matter. I've always been the kind of person that listens to music that I can relate to and not being able to relate to music has always turned me away from that style or artist. Once I dislike an artist, I end up hating all of their songs even if they completely change everything about their music. I do think that my parents have an influence on the kind of music I listen to because I still go through phases where I listen to Frank Sinatra or Elvis. My parents have always listened to older music (I guess that’s because they are older than me). When it comes to my friends, I have friends that don’t listen to the same music as me at all, and then I have friends who listen to the same exact kind of music I listen to and then I also have friends who are somewhere in the middle.  I like having a mixture of friends and their music taste because I can always discover new music through them even if I end up not liking it. I think that discovering new music and falling in love with an album or an artist is one of the best feelings in the world. Without music, my life would have no purpose (how cliché). I know for a fact that music is the most important thing to me because it has always found the words when I seemed to have forgotten what to say. My life without music is something that I never want to think about because I don’t think I would ever want to be alive to experience that. 

1 comment:

  1. I like this: "Music is the most important thing to me because it has always found the words when I seemed to have forgotten what to say." And I know what you mean about indulging in sad songs when I'm sad, full well knowing it's just going to pull me farther down.
